Friends are the music that turn
Your sad face into
A smile
Friends are your old stuffed animal
That you never get
Tired of
Friends are a comedy movie
That makes you laugh
Day or night
Friends are your stars
Supporting and sorting the significance of you
They are special and surprising

Very nicely written and that's a very appropriate picture! Good one "Ms.A"
Please write more to enlighten our days...
~ NRIGirl
Very meaningful. Nice writing style..words are simple, but are very effective. A, do you teach your daughter on writing?
Very sweet & meaningful!
Great going
vallah...beautiful ya...plz give a pat to yr daughter on my behalf..btw..i am very poor when it comes to technical details..hence dunno how to rectify the comment setting problem ya..will check again..take care best wishes budddy:)
Lovely. I hope she never has to change her views on friends.
What a wonderful poem- and she has grasped the real definition of what friends are!! Bravo!!
Ms.A! Why not consider starting your own blog?! Rachel just started one and loves it. I am sure you will too. Check it out with your Dad!
~ NRIGirl
Excellent poem. She deserves a pat on the back. Made me reach out to friends I am not in touch with. Keep it up - JerseyBoy
nice one..friends are indeed your support system..:)
Very nice and thoughtful poetry.
Woohooo..Those were simple comparisons but beautiful and meaningful
Sweet poem! Thanks for entering my giveway. Have a blessed day, Jackie
Very well written poem... Ur poem hav said it all about ur love ad commitment towards ur friends.
Friends are Angels in disguise.
May God bless you with so many to guide and protect you ....
How old is your daughter?
She wrote it beautifully!
"Friends are afterall friends,
who make you cry and laugh,
on things which are stupid,
but with friends it is heaven like..."
My friends are definitely a comedy movie! :)
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