Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Colors


Fall Picture


Falling leaves whisper in my ears

Let help and hope conquer fears


Colorful mosaic touches my heart

Telling life is pain and pleasure in part


Cool breeze jolts my soul

Altering essence to embrace a new goal


In days the trees would be naked and mute

Yet the stem has strength in the grounded root



Dear Readers:- As you know I am not a poet but I tried to capture my current state of mind. Can you guess that?


NRIGirl said...

Beautiful picture and meaningful words.

I especially liked the last line: "Yet the stem has strength in the grounded root"

Of course we can sense your current state of mind; please feel better soon.

Mangala said...

Beautiful pic and beautiful poem. I am sure just like the trees that shed their old leaves and then grow them again, u will be able to shed ur fears and insecurities and grow into a stronger person soon!

GM said...

You are being modest when saying you are not a poet. I like the last line.

Renu said...

what beautiful colors...true... life is pain and pleasure both...and be sure that there is always a bright day after the dark night.there is this song in hindi..

raat bhar ka ha mehma andhera
kiske roke ruka ha savera...and

raat jitnee bhi sangeen hogi
subah utnee hi rangeen hogi

Jyothi said...

Hmm. You are a poet. Touching words. Am I right in thinking that, however you camouflage yourself, what you are from within will always be stable and strong?

Wishing you the best always A. Take Care.

Alka Gurha said...

The photograph is so vibrant...

Bikram said...

Lovely color ..


Shobha said...

Awesome trees..loved them and who says you are not a poet..
Beautiful verses too :)

ಅಶ್ವಿನಿ/ Ashwini said...

This picture took me back to the Seattle days.. I love those bright fall colors. A walk in the evening when the cold breeze hits you.Aaaah the feeling is awesome. Nice one buddy.

Suruchi said...

such a cute poem and the red in the picture took my breath away!
keep painting the blogger space red with ur camera:-)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

My you are being modest, I loved this verse though I'm getting the impression that you could be feeling a bit insecure at the moment, that perhaps you have a decision to make. Hoping all is well with you and yours, thanks again for such a beautiful post.

Rachna said...

Ah the beautiful colors of fall. I loved this part of being in the US though abhorred the winters :).

Whirlwind said...

Pretty picture and great poetry-Swetha Amit (Whirlwindthoughts)

aarkay said...

beautiful picture, matching imagery and so very true ! the last two lines sum up everything !
you are a poet , undoubtedly .

Rià said...

Beautiful picture. And yes fall is here. :)

Destination Infinity said...

The philosophy of the stem having strength in the grounded root, signifies indirectly that beautiful leaves fall off depending on the season.

Destination Infinity

डॉ. मोनिका शर्मा said...

Pretty picture and nice thoughts...

kiran sawhney said...


Urmi said...

Very beautiful and colourful picture. The trees are looking gorgeous. You have written wonderful poem. Superb post.

BK Chowla, said...

Pictures are beautiful.

Rama Ananth said...

Very beautiful, both the picture and the poem.

Insignia said...

I loved the pic a lot Amrit. I recall your first fall colors post :) said...

lovely lovely....Nature at its best...
I have one of those Big red trees in my front yard!
thanks for sharing
I love nature!

sm said...

beautiful colors
nice poem

Anjuli said...

the picture is incredible- and you have captured an entire portrait with your words- wonderful!! I love autumn-= and I love how you have put it on display in this post.

p.s. how do you do your 'tabs' at the top of your blog

Ruprekha said...

What a sprightly colour! I can understand the state of your mind. Any sensitive person would become a poet seeing such beauty. You've penned a wonderful verse.