Like a number of my other posts, comments on my ‘Caption the Capture’ post are more entertaining and intelligent than the original post. Readers, my friends and my wife enjoyed reading all the comments and proposed captions. On the picture of a class room of a local high school, a number of intelligent readers left interesting comments and captions:
Jidhu Jose: - Balls in Action
- Could not stop laughing at this apparently simple phrase with several meanings.
Always Happy: - Bouncing Chairs
- Kept bouncing on my chair after that with smiles and chuckles.
Kiran:- Cheer Ball
- Yes. Let us cheer and we did.
Chatter Box (Dialogewithyou):- Silent Sporty Legs
- Very nice because it is so close my original caption.
Raji:- Floor Guard
- Wife says she needs a carpet guard too.
Anjuli:- Balls of Silence
- Of course nice as this one is almost my caption.
Jyothi:- Balled Down
- Yes and India did the same.
Zeal:- Figs On Heels and Let’s Go Green
- My wife could not stop laughing on the first one.
Suruchi:- BALLS come handy-ANYWHERE n EVERYWHERE
- I had to ask readers to check their age.
Bikramjit:- Scratches Not Allowed On Floor
- No scratches on the floor but brain can be scratched.
Traveling Hawk:- Moving Green
- Yes. Reuse is the key.
Shooting Star:-Ballsy Legs
- Made it tough.
PW:- SERVING the Community Since 1900
- I thought of disclosing my caption at this point because I got both words in different comments.
Aragorn:- Evergreen Ever After
- I am sure we will think green and green.
My initial thought was: - Silence Served
Thank you everyone for superb support and amazing remarks. It was one of the most amusing post for me.
Really, interesting it was.
wow.... silence served??? tats really cool one... :D
You make your posts so interesting and interactive.
:) nice one ..
Interesting idea to ensure silence when pulling the chairs! I never thought this set up could have an application :)
Destination Infinity
I love it- silence served!!!!! Now why didn't I think of that? I loved the entertaining.
as always love your creative blog!
Interesting title..indeed..
you did not mention the place you captured the served silence...
Some great captions, I do love this idea of yours.
Great Idea! :)
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Interesting captions... Enjoyed reading them... :)
good one
A, just now read your both the posts on caption the capture, absolutely unique and very creative to tickle all brains with this simple picture. Great posts. :)
Conference hall is not a bad guess,is it??
Interesting comments
Interesting answers :D
Silence served sounds good :)
Very good post. Very interesting :)
Interesting !!!
OMG!!! OMG!!
This is the problem with my reading...I always go from old posts to the new one! And that is how I left my stupid silly comment in ur previous post!
Now I should grow up, and start reading from new to the old avoid such emabarassmenets :(
Interesting and amusing!! I missed this one! I hope to participate in the next :)
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