Spring is slowly sneaking in with the shining sunlight scintillating our souls. Flower bloom is displacing winter gloom. Bright days are replacing dark evenings. Warmth of sun is energizing our spirits. Fresh flower buds and new leaves symbolize a new start after a long, dull and depressing winter. I pray and hope like this winter is over; suffering of the Haiti and Chile earthquakes victims will end too. Let us all pray for them.
Nice and refreshing. I join you in your prayers..
Thanks NRIGirl and Annoymous
Very pretty picture. Yes, Oregon is gorgeous. The whole state. The deserts are beautiful as well as the forests and coast. I feel very blessed to live here. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment :). I hope you get feeling better soon. Sounds like you have a wonderful family.
Beautiful sentiment. I too ope Spring bring us good things after all the tragedy we have recently witnessed. Thank you for stopping by 504 Main.
504 Main
spring is indeed coming! i just love this change of seasons.. not so much this time change though :) thanks for stopping by my blog, I em enjoying reading your space here.
yes Spring is coming and I think we are all happy for this new hope. Growing up in a country with no seasons- it has been especially interesting to me to experience the seasons and see how they relate so closely to life itself.
Thanks PJ, Holly, Anjuli and Cheesmakin'Mama
Your comments encourage me to write more.
message beautifully conveyed..
vallah...someone there praying for quake victims..how sweet..in this selfish world..know what? when v penetrate deep inside our heart, v c the world, share its pleasure n pain...hehehe..sorry me sounding like a stupid philosopher..first thanks for visiting global madrasi blog..am lucky to get yr acquaintance buddy..best wishes to u and near ones always..cya
Beautiful picture with a beautiful and sincere thought.
I am Rama from Bangalore. Visit my space if you feel like.
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